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- Bugs of MUI v1.0
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- Alessandro Zummo, azummo@ita,flashnet.it
- Hi folks!
- That's a little doc to remember to Stefan waht are the bugs
- fo the current MUI version.
- However this isn't a cospiracy againist MUI nor againist his author,
- but rather an help to all MUI programmers and to Stefan itself.
- When a new version of MUI will be released, who had contributed
- to this doc should check if the bugs are still present.
- This doc was suggested to me by Allan Odgaard. Thanks Allan!
- Sincerely,
- Alessandro Zummo (azummo@ita.flashnet.it)
- Current MUI version: 19
- Class : Area.mui
- Sended by: Gilless Masson <masson@iutsoph.unice.fr>
- In simple refresh mode while the MUIM_ContextMenuChoice method
- the object rasport is still clipped to the just cleared context
- menu area, making any complete object redraw impossible.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : muipop.library (?)
- Sended by: Steffen Gutmann <gutmann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de>
- Popup listview bug:
- Click on any popup button that opens a popup containing
- a listview object (e.g. MUI:MUI System - Screen).
- Double click on an item of the listview.
- Again, click on the popup button.
- Now click on an arrow button of the listview's scroller group
- and you will see the items of the listview becoming activated
- one by one. Strange!
- This also happens if you click on any other button in the popup window,
- e.g. if you have a "Delete" button then you may delete a random
- chosen item when pressing it!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Area.mui
- Sended by: Steffen Gutmann <gutmann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de>
- Font size problem:
- font handling seems to have been changed from MUI V2.3 to V3.x.
- When you open a window that doesn't fit on the screen
- then the font size is changed to a smaller one. In V3.x
- this results to a font size change of the whole application,
- which means that other new windows are also opened with this
- smaller font. In V2.3 only the font of a window which does
- not fit on the screen is changed to a smaller one, other windows
- are not affected.
- I suggest to use the old behaviour (that of V2.3) in future
- MUI versions. Programs like MUIBuilder (2.x), where the user
- can create his own GUI (which may be too big to fit on the screen),
- benfit from it.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class ; Application.mui, Window.mui
- Sended by: Steffen Gutmann <gutmann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de>
- After doing the last matching set(app, MUIA_Application_Sleep, FALSE)
- all windows will redraw the box around their active object. This is
- a) a bug as only the active window should display a box
- around its active object.
- b) quite annoying if you have many windows with active objects
- and several pairs of set(app, MUIA_Application_Sleep, TRUE),
- set(app, MUIA_Application_Sleep, FALSE) because of display
- flickering.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Text.mui
- Sended by: Steffen Gutmann <gutmann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de>
- It seems that this tag has only an effect when creating the
- text object. When setting MUIA_Text_Contents later, it forgets
- about MUIA_Text_HiCharIdx. Even using
- SetAttr(obj,
- MUIA_Text_HiCharIdx, '_',
- MUIA_Text_Contents, "F_oo",
- has no effect (it displays "F_oo")!
- Also TextObject forgets about MUIA_Text_SetVMax!
- I have set it to FALSE on object creation for vertical
- centering of the text which works well. If I then set
- a new text by MUIA_Text_Contents, the new text is displayed
- non-centered.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Window.mui
- Sended by: Steffen Gutmann <gutmann@informatik.uni-freiburg.de>
- I discovered a small bug in the Window class.
- Create a new window object without a MUIA_Window_ID and
- set MUIA_Window_{LeftEdge,TopEdge,Width,Height} to some values.
- Open the window and let the user resize it.
- Get the values for MUIA_Window_{LeftEdge,TopEdge,Width,Height}
- and see that they are really changed to the new dimensions.
- Now rerun the same experiment but get the values after
- closing the window.
- Now the values for MUIA_Window_{LeftEdge,TopEdge,Width,Height}
- are the old ones.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Group.mui
- Sended by: Jacek Trzmiel <sc0rpion@polbox.com>
- set(obj, MUIA_FillArea, FALSE) doesn't work for Group.mui class and
- all classes derived from it (e.g. Virtualgroup.mui). In other words
- MUIA_Background is still rendered.
- When you supply custom LayoutHook for any group derived from Group.mui
- (direct or indirect, i.e. same for e.g. Virtualgroup.mui),
- MUIA_Background is drawn over all area covered by this group, also
- inside every child's area (causes display flashing, because same area
- is drawn twice).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Area.mui
- Sended by: Jacek Trzmiel <sc0rpion@polbox.com>
- MUI internally doesn't call MUIM_DrawBackground thru object's class
- dispatcher (means you can call it, but you can't overload it in you CC).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : MUI Docs
- Sended by: Jacek Trzmiel <sc0rpion@polbox.com>
- In mui.h macros:
- _left(obj), _top(obj), _width(obj), _height(obj),
- _right(obj), _bottom(obj), _addleft(obj), _addtop(obj),
- _subwidth(obj) _subheight(obj), _mleft(obj), _mtop(obj),
- _mwidth(obj), _mheight(obj), _mright(obj), _mbottom(obj)
- are declared to be valid only during MUIM_Draw.
- But all of them should be valid during MUIM_HandleInput also.
- Documentation bug?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Window.mui
- Sended by: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>
- Resizing a window which contains a pressed togglebutton, that uses the XEN frame. Causes
- the gadget to be redrawn at a wrong position. (one pixel up/left) Also if you pass a
- pressed togglebutton with the tabframe, then some of the gadget gets erased when the frame
- is removed.
- Pressing a windows zip-gadget, launcing MUIPrefs (from the app) and closing it again,
- causes the window to be "zipped" back to the original size/position. Pressing the zip
- gadget again resizes the window, but the contents isn't relayouted.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Balance.mui
- Sended by: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>
- Adding/removing eventhandlers in MUIM_Show/MUIM_Hide causes the Balance.mui to stop
- balancing after one or two "moves".
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Virtgroup.mui
- Sended by: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>
- If your customclass is inside a virtualgroup, then setting (MUIA_Window_ActiveObject,
- MUIV_Window_ActiveObject_None) in your MUIM_Draw before calling your superclass. Will make
- the virtualgroup go into an endless scroll-loop.
- Perhaps you can't do that sort of stuff, but I have asked at the mailinglist a couple of
- times, and Stefan never commented it ;(
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Class : Group.mui
- Sended by: Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK>
- If you have a group with several pages (not registerpages), and the tabframe is around one
- of the objects in the active page. And parts of the tabframe goes outside the page. Then
- changing page will "leave some marks" after the tabframe.
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